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Topik: adakah tindakan saya wajar...?

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Oleh adakah tindakan saya wajar...?

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 27-12-06 23:13

Assalamualaikum wbt

gingie ialah frequent poster kat ENglishForums. tapi, selama gingie posting kat situ, gingie tak pernah perasan ada satu ruangan namanya: COntroversial Subjects. dan satu2 tajuk yang berjaya menarik perhatian gingie ialah: Why do so many Moslems hate the Western World.

Salah seorang poster kat situ yang namanya ialah New Yorker telah menulis ini di ruangan itu:

Those poems were very touching Inglish. I don't want to offend anybody with what is on this post, but I did my research on the Quran, and this is what I found out; it's the bare truth. The "peaceful" teachings of the Quranā€¦..

"Go fight, fight, fight." So if we want to see fighting, and the killing, in the Quran, let us read the words of the Quran. And I will begin with the words in surat Al Anfal, that is surat 8, and verse 65, "Oh, prophet Mohammed." Listen, Allah is talking to Mohammed because this is what the Muslims believe. "Oh, prophet Mohammed. Urge the Muslims to fight." What? "Oh, prophet Mohammed. Urge the Muslims to fight?" When Jesus spoke to His disciples, He said, "Love your enemy. Pray for those who persecute you." But here, "Oh, prophet Mohammed. Urge the Muslims to fight," fighting is by inciting Muslims to fight.

        And then, we go to another surat, and that is in the Quran, in surat (Al Bakara, that is surat number 2, verse 216, "Jihad (this is fighting, holy fighting in Allah's name) is ordained for you, Muslims." "fight against those who believe not in Allah; nor in the last day, nor forbid that which have been forbidden by Allah and his messenger Mohammed; and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth, Islam, among the people of the scripture." Who are the people of the scriptures? Jews and Christians. "you fight them until they pay the Gizia, the poll tax, the elevated tax, with willing submission and feel themselves subdued."

     This is very clear command for Muslims to go and fight Jews and Christians until they defeat them. And if the Christian and the Jew want to keep his religion, he should pay taxes to the Islamic government with his feeling of inferiority. I am a Christian but I am inferior. You, the Muslim, are superior. I am inferior. And you are protecting me, so I pay a poll tax, here is my tax. You buy your religion with taxes?

        Well, I commented on that verse in one of my books, and I said, "You can exchange Islam with taxes." It is very plain. Pay taxes, keep your Jewish religion or Christian religion. You can exchange Islam with taxes, money with Islam. And this is here, kill, kill, kill. See, and in many other verses, the Quran is saying what is the punishment of those who are against Allah and his messenger, Mohammed: to be crucified, to cut their hands and their legs, or to be cast away from the society. What kind of religion is that? Killing, killing, killing. Killing is not an invention of fanatics.

        Killing is in the Quran, and I want to let, to get anybody who is really honest to himself, and tell him, "Tell me, don't talk about friendship." It is very interesting to notice one thing, that in one of the verses of the Quran it says, "Muslims, do not befriend Jews or Christians." Period. But it came of the invasion of Iraq, of Kuwait. The Muslims forgot all about that. And they came to the Christian country, to the US, and said, "Please, help us." But the Quran said don't befriend them, don't ask for their protection, don't go to them for help! There is killing in the Quran, there is torture in the Quran; there is much pain for the people living under the Islamic society if they are Jews or Christians. They are! They are always looked at as second-class citizens. And they don't have the right to stand up and raise their head. They are inferior, and we are the superior, and that is it. I don't think that anybody who reads the Quran could deny what I have said. I mentioned the verse, verse after verse, after verse.

        But let me tell you, I didn't mention all the verse. There are a lot of verses that tell, that is telling the Muslim, "Go, torture, kill, go, fight, kill."
[ Telah diedit oleh: gingie pada 27-12-06 23:23 ]

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 27-12-06 23:15

and this is my reply (Sorry kalau ada banyak grammar mistakes, gingie tak pandai sangat bahasa inggeris, tapi gingie telah mencuba yang terbaik):

         Oh, New Yorker... At first, I was afraid to reveal myself as a Muslim (in this English forum...)... As I was afraid Iā€™ll lose friends at this English forum because they are mainly Christian or other than Islam... But then, I ashamed with myself... I asked myself, why should I feel that way..? If you guys donā€™t want to be friend with me after this because I am a Muslim, what else can I say..? I donā€™t have the right to force you guys to be my friendsā€¦

         New Yorker, have you read the entire Quran..? i guess no.. Even if you did so... It doesn't mean you really understand Islam.. This is because, even among the Muslims, not everyone can really translate the Quran.. Quran is in Arabic language.. Some of the words cannot be translated into other languages precisely.. Did you research on the Quran or you only researched on the translation of Quran..? And I would like to emphasise here, even among the Muslims, not every is allowed to translate it, even if the Muslims are very good in Arabic language... After you have mastered the Arabic language, you have to master other knowledge such as Usulul Fiqh, Qiraat, Usulul Din, Balaghah, Asbabul Nuzul, Nasakh wa Manskhuh,, Al-Hadith wa Ulumul Hadith, and Ulumul Fiqhā€¦even myself is not capable in mastering these knowledge though I learn Arabic Language since I was sevenā€¦

            Do you want to know what does it really mean with "kill" in the surah Al-Anfal..? Allah s.w.t warned the Muslims to be PREPARED to protect themselves, Islam and their countries if they were attacked by kafiruun (non-Muslims), munafiq (those who declare themselves as Muslims but actually they are not Muslims), ahlu bid'ah (those who created new regulations and said it was from Muhammad and Islam, but actually Muhammad and Islam never said about it), intruders, boundary invaders and radical devotees. ONLY if they were attacked, then they are allowed to fight against the foes with all their might, strength and powerā€¦

         I would like to ask you New Yorker, what do you really understand about Jihad..? It is a derivative of the word ā€œJahadaā€ (suffering/misery/hardship). Hence, Jihad is translated as effort that needs might and strength to achieve good ambition that is forgiveness and bless from Allahā€¦ Please, donā€™t simply say Jihad means killing other people (This definition is totally WRONG)ā€¦
[ Telah diedit oleh: gingie pada 27-12-06 23:21 ]

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 27-12-06 23:16


New Yorker, in Islam the non-Muslims are categorized into four groups. The first one is Kafir Zimmi: the non-Muslims who are willingly choose to live in Islamic country and harmoniously live with the Muslims, for example, the non-Muslim Chinese and Indians that live in Malaysia, an Islamic country. And I would like to emphasise here, BY PAYYING FOR GIZIA DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN EXCHANGE ISLAM WITH TAXES. Have you ever heard the word ā€œzakatā€? Muslims have to pay for zakat, whereas non-Muslims (only for those that live in Islamic Country, I repeat, those that live in Islamic Country only: Kafir Zimi) have to pay for Gizia. Both, Zakat and Gizia are used to help the poor and the countryā€™s growth. Logically, both, the Muslims and the non-Muslims (Kafir Zimi) use properties that are provided by the government such as public phones and toilets, so if you didnā€™t pay the Gizia (by the non-Muslim) and zakat (by Muslims), from where the government will get money to fix broken public properties etc? After all, not only Muslims in the country that use the public properties, the Kafir Zimmi do the same thing. So, it is fair. Muslims pay zakat. Non-Muslims (Kafir Zimi) pay Gizia.

The purpose of Gizia is not to prove whether the Muslims are superior or inferior. As I stated above, Gizia and Zakat are used to help the countryā€™s growth etc. Please, donā€™t get confused.

The second category of the non-Muslims is Kafir Mustaā€™man: the non-Muslims that run from their own country and seek protection from Islamic Country. (Who said the Muslims cannot help the non-Muslims? If we, the Muslims, have the ability to help others, we will do our best).

The third category is Kafir Muā€™ahad: the non-Muslims that make agreements with Islamic country. ā€œMu`ahadā€ is the derivative of which means make promise.

The fourth category is Kafir Harbi: the non-Muslims that always reveal their hesitation and confrontation towards Islamic countries. ā€œHarbiā€ is the derivative of ā€˜Harbā€™ which means war.

New Yorker, you wrote that Muslims are forbidden to be friends with Jews and Christians. It is totally WRONG! You have translated the holly Quran incorrectly! Among the four categories of non-Muslims (as Iā€™ve mentioned above), Muslims are only ADVICED not the be friends with Kafir Harbi as they always hate Muslims with no reasons, no matter if the Muslims tried their best to be gentle with them. So, I want to make correction. ALLAH NEVER ORDAINED MUSLIMS NOT TO BE FRIENDS WITH JEWS AND CHRISTIANS.

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 27-12-06 23:19


friends, my words are sincere, come from the bottom of my heart. i want to let you guys know that i am not trying to be rude, i am not trying to insult any religions in this wide world. it is my greatest pleasure to be friends with everyone regardless of our different races and religions.but, it is my responsibility to protect Islam from any misunderstandings.



#adakah tindakan saya wajar..? ada tak yang saya tersalah cakap..? saya takut benar kalau ada yang saya tersalah tulis.. saya tahu, ilmu agama saya amat sedikit.. tapi saya tak sanggup biarkan Islam, Allah dan Muhammad dihina.. Saya inginkan pendapat teman2, kakak2, abang2 sekalian.. harap ditegur jika saya ada terbuat silap
[ Telah diedit oleh: gingie pada 27-12-06 23:27 ]

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 07.09.2006
Ahli No: 26223
Posting: 219
Dari: Perak

Perak   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 27-12-06 23:42

Congrats gingie!! You did a right thing!
At first i read about New Yorker statement i was very very very angry........How come she/he said something about islam or Quran verses when she/he did not fully understand it!

I think u answer the best!
And what did New Yorker say after that??
Can he/she accept it?
I think he/she should accept it and tell her/him for stop misunderstood the Quran verses as she/he might influence others.

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  Member Information For AfinaProfil   Hantar PM kepada Afina   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 27-12-06 23:48

Pada 27-12-06 23:42 , Afina posting:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Congrats gingie!! You did a right thing!
At first i read about New Yorker statement i was very very very angry........How come she/he said something about islam or Quran verses when she/he did not fully understand it!

I think u answer the best!
And what did New Yorker say after that??
Can he/she accept it?
I think he/she should accept it and tell her/him for stop misunderstood the Quran verses as she/he might influence others.

i've just posted my reply, so, i think, it is to early to know whether he can accept it or not :)

dan, terima kasih sebab reply, saya takut benar posting saya ini tak dapat perhatian..

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 27-12-06 23:53

ada lagi satu poster.. apa tah nama nya.. kalau tak silap "Coburn".. lebih kurang lah.. he said, our ultimate goal (the Muslims) is to abolish freedom..

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 07.09.2006
Ahli No: 26223
Posting: 219
Dari: Perak

Perak   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 00:09

............nak tanya sikit, selain gingie kat Englishforum tu ada tak yang lain beragama islam? and apa kata mereka??
Selalu ke (non-muslim) kat situ post mengenai topic2 yang 'menghentam' islam mana??

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  Member Information For AfinaProfil   Hantar PM kepada Afina   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 00:16

ada yang lain beragama Islam.. macam dari Saudi Arabia, Jordan.. ada juga yang Islam dari Itali, Canada, Papua New Guinea (betul ke eja ini?hehe,tak pasti).. ada yang reply 'hentam' balik New Yorker and the gang.. ada juga yang kafir sokong Islam.. apa ya nama dia,tak ingat lah pula..

ada tajuk lain kat ruangan 'Controversial Subject' tu..macam: should we hate Blacks? sex before marriage (Sorry)..dan lain2

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 00:26

urmm...actually..englishforums ni tersangatlah bagus kalau kita berniat nak improve English.. tu lah,sebelum ni tak pernah perasan ada ruangan Controversial Subjects..selalunya posting kat Writing World dan Basic English.. cuma,sayangnya,ada juga berperangai macam New Yorker dan COburn.. tapi banyak juga yang baik2.. teman2 yang berminat, jom lah, ke:
    kita boleh posting essays..banyak saja university students dari luar negara yang posting kat situ.. nak tanya soalan yang mudah2 pun boleh.. orang umur 46 tahun pun ada.. (promote ini..hehe) dan, kalau ada keluar lagi isu sensitif tentang Islam, kita boleh melancarkan serangan bersama :)

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 18.10.2006
Ahli No: 27023
Posting: 189
Dari: malaysia

malaysia   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 01:24

salute lah...u reallly did the right thing!

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  Member Information For azrina_zainalProfil   Hantar PM kepada azrina_zainal   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 2 Bintang
Menyertai: 17.07.2003
Ahli No: 2403
Posting: 43
Dari: Pahang

Pahang   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 09:58

Good Job gingie..

Mdh2an Allah membalas yang terbaik buat diri enti...

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  Member Information For ashabul_mukmininProfil   Hantar PM kepada ashabul_mukminin   Pergi ke ashabul_mukminin's Website   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 2 Bintang
Menyertai: 07.09.2006
Ahli No: 26242
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Terengganu   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 10:27

erm..i admire your courages

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  Member Information For ana_muslimah89Profil   Hantar PM kepada ana_muslimah89   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 19:32

terima kasih.. ada lagi satu tajuk yang merisaukan gingie, tapi, gingie tak tau nak balas macam mana... tajuk tu--> Islam:Veiling Women.. nanti gingie cuba buka posting dengan tajuk baru tu.. jadi teman2, kakak2, abang2, adik2 boleh lah kita kongsi idea macam mana reply tentang tajuk baru tu.. tolong ya.. gingie risau sangat ini..


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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga Rasmi
Menyertai: 27.12.2006
Ahli No: 27905
Posting: 17
Dari: malaysia

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 19:56


orang yang buta mata hatinya sahaja yang tidak dapat memahami kebenaran Al-Quran....betul tak?..minta2 kita dijauhkan dari golongan macam tu...

gingie, i salute u:)

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  Member Information For nur_anNisaProfil   Hantar PM kepada nur_anNisa   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 20:06

amin.. moga-moga kita dijauhkan dari golongan sebegitu.. gingie baru terbaca satu tajuk baru yang terdapat kat englishforums tu: (two topics to ponder-Profound answers are not excepted..) orang yang memulakannya posting tu ialah 'galley0'.. dia kemuka 2 soalan..

yang pertama: what was before there was nothing..?

yang kedua: who or what created God..?

bila terbaca soalan2 ni, gingie tersenyum sendiri, bukan apa, tiba-tiba teringatkan ustad dan ustadzah yang pernah mengajar gingie.. akal manusia amat terbatas.. justeru itu kita memerlukan wahyu untuk membimbing kita ke arah yang benar..

Alhamdulillah, jujur dari hati, baru kini gingie benar-benar terasa syukurnya di lahirkan dalam keluarga Islam dan tinggal di negara Islam yang aman..

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 18.10.2006
Ahli No: 27023
Posting: 189
Dari: malaysia

malaysia   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 21:51

patutnya tanya saja balik pada org tu..tak payah fikir jauh2 sangat..contoh;bgmane otak kita dpaat berfikir...mendapat ilham...benda yang simple pun kita tak dapat kaji lagi...ini kan pula benda ghaib..batas pemkiran manusia....sebenarnya benda-benda tu tak dapat dijawab oleh agama mereka...sebab tu lah mereka tertanya2

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  Member Information For azrina_zainalProfil   Hantar PM kepada azrina_zainal   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 28-12-06 21:59

itu lah.. ada poster yang bagi jawapan untuk soalan satu tu.. dulu wujudnya lubang hitam.. dari situ terjadi semuanya.. SUBHANALLAH.. ish.. ish.. :roll:
[ Telah diedit oleh: gingie pada 28-12-06 22:00 ]

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 1 Bintang
Menyertai: 27.02.2006
Ahli No: 23052
Posting: 21
Dari: Shah Alam


posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 00:41

jawapan yang baik.kalau nak jawab lebih bagus boleh refer juga buku Ahmad Deedat.anyway good job

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  Member Information For ibnu_mukhtarProfil   Hantar PM kepada ibnu_mukhtar   Pergi ke ibnu_mukhtar's Website   Quote dan BalasQuote

Menyertai: 28.03.2006
Ahli No: 23783
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jordan   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 01:18

Pada 28-12-06 20:06 , gingie posting:

!!! QUOTE !!!

yang pertama: what was before there was nothing..?

yang kedua: who or what created God..?

setahu ana org krisitan pun takkan tanya soalan macam ni. yang keluarkan soalan2 begini biasanya golongan mulhid (atheist)

bagi org Islam, cukuplah kita beriman dengan surah al-Ikhlas yang mana kandungannya walaupun ringkas tetapi menepati keseluruhan kandungan tauhid yang terdapat dalam AQ

untuk berhujah dengan golongan atheist, bukan semua org boleh berhujah dengan mereka. kadangkala kena bijak main analogi & guna logik akal (ana cadangkan cari bahan daripada lmn web Harun Yahya, banyak artikel yang bermanfaat dalam tu untuk menjawab hujah2 atheist)

untuk menjawab soalan kedua "who or what created God?" : salah satu daripada asma' Allah adalah "al-Khaliq" (the Creator, yang menciptakan). seandainya wujud sesuatu yang lain yang menciptakan Tuhan, bererti Tuhan sendiri adalah makhluk (creation, yang diciptakan), bukannya Pencipta - yang pastinya tidak benar & bersalahan dengan sifat Allah



At best, the question is based on perceived "cause and effect" relationships. Everything can be thought of as an effect and attributed to a prior cause that, in turn, is attributed to a prior cause, and so on. However, we must remember that cause is only a hypothesis, for it has no objective existence. All that objectively exists is a particular sequence of circumstances that is often (but not always) repeated. If such a hypothesis is applied to existence, we cannot find a creator of the first cause, because each creator must have had a prior creator. The end result is a never-ending chain of creators.

The Creator must be Self-Subsistent and One, without like or equal. If any created being "causes" anything, that capacity was created within that being, for only the Creator is Self-Existent and Self-Subsistent. Only the Creator truly creates and determines possible causes and effects for His creation. Therefore, we speak of God as the Sustainer, who holds and gives life to all of His Creation. All causes begin in Him, and all effects end in Him.

In the sphere of existence, what we call causes and effects have no direct or independent influence. We may have to use such words to understand how a part of creation is made intelligible to us and available for our use. But even this confirms our dependence upon God and our answerability before Him. God does not need causes and effects to create; rather, we need them to understand what He has created.

- Timelessness and the Reality of Fate (Harun Yahya)

"Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.." -Einstein
[ Telah diedit oleh: fathurrahman pada 29-12-06 01:29 ]

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  Member Information For fathurrahmanProfil   Hantar PM kepada fathurrahman   Pergi ke fathurrahman's Website   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 30.08.2004
Ahli No: 10824
Posting: 317
Dari: Jelapang padi


posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 09:30

good job...

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  Member Information For AnnursyamProfil   Hantar PM kepada Annursyam   Pergi ke Annursyam's Website   Quote dan BalasQuote


Menyertai: 04.09.2006
Ahli No: 26180
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yemen   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 09:37

hujah yang bernas..fathurrahman. (^_^)

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  Member Information For mohamadProfil   Hantar PM kepada mohamad   Pergi ke mohamad's Website   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 14:04

setahu ana org krisitan pun takkan tanya soalan macam ni. yang keluarkan soalan2 begini biasanya golongan mulhid (atheist)

yup.. gingie pun fikir macam tu.. mereka ni orang yang pagan, tidak ada agama.. di situ, macam-macam pula jawapan lain yang diberi..

bvpraveen wrote: Man created God in his own image..

MasyaAllah, apa yang gingie paham lah daripada ayat dia ini, tuhan itu hanya lah sekadar imej yang dicipta oleh manusia dan tidak lebih dari itu..


by the way, faturrahman.. saya suka hujah kamu.. faturrahman dah post kan di englishforums..? sekarang, tajuk ni antara yang mendapat perhatian poster2 di situ.. sebanyak 1230 telah membaca posting tu..

sekadar nak bagi tahu, tajuk yang paling mendapat perhatian ialah "Homosexual marriages-against the natures law?" sebanyak 23,445 orang telah view tajuk ini.. macam-macam lah.. yang nak hidup menyongsang arus Kenapa..? tak paham betul..

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Menyertai: 07.03.2006
Ahli No: 23268
Posting: 832

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 14:13

gigie,,selamat berjuang demi islam....teruskan pejuangan hingga ke titisan darh yang terakhir..

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  Member Information For cahayakuimanProfil   Hantar PM kepada cahayakuiman   Pergi ke cahayakuiman's Website   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 14:18

ya..cahayakuiman..mari kita bersama2 berjuang hingga ke titisan darah yang terakhir..

[ Telah diedit oleh: gingie pada 29-12-06 14:24 ]

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posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 20:14

Allah yang Maha Kuasa
saya bangga dengan jawapan yang awak bagi kat forum tu..
teruskan lah perjuang tu...
Allah SWT sentiasa bersama pejuang agamaNya

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brunei   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 29-12-06 21:00


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posticon Posting pada: 30-12-06 14:14

Syabbass gingie...syabbas!

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NegeriSembilan   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 01-01-07 13:42

teruskan pejuang Islam..sama-sama kita mara ke medan jihad

hidup mulia mati syahid

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posticon Posting pada: 01-01-07 13:55

Alhamdulillah, jujur dari hati, baru kini gingie benar-benar terasa syukurnya di lahirkan dalam keluarga Islam dan tinggal di negara Islam yang aman..

betul itu gingie... terlalu besar nikmat kita dilahirkan dalam keluarga islam... jadi kita kena gunakan sebaiknya nikmat yang dikurniakan...

ayuh bersama2 kita menuju ke medan jihad....

HiduP sentiasa InDaH andaI SemUaNYa KeRaNa ALLAH

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Menyertai: 03.03.2006
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malaysia   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 01-01-07 14:14

tahniah...teruskan perjuangan...

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Menyertai: 22.12.2004
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Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 03-01-07 22:54

Feebs11 from uk wrote --> People in general don't hate "Muslims". On the other hand, they do find moralistic attitudes irritating. And any group that isolates itself within a society will find that communications break down.

There is a saying "It takes two to tango" , and another that says "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". It would be a good thing if everyone kept these in mind. If I am in another country, I expect to obey their laws and not offend them. It would be wonderful if those from out of my country did the same here.

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

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Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
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Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 08-01-07 15:20


please.. tolong.. gingie merayu pada teman2 semua.. tolong lah join englishforums tu.. dan pergi bahagian controversial subjects.. tajuk.. "WHy do so many Moslems hate the western world..?"

gingie malu nak cakap sebenarnya.. tapi.. demi Islam yang amat2 dicintai.. gingie terpaksa berterus terang.. gingie dah tersalah langkah.. :-( jawapan pertama gingie post sebgai "gingie".. dan jawapan kedua, gingie post sebgai "anonymous" .. dan gingie rasa jawapan kedua ini amat teruk.. dan kebetulan ada seorang lagi "anonymous".. jawapan dia macam kasar sikit.. jadi2.. kafir2 kat situ ingat kan, "anonymous" ini orang yang sama.. dan mereka telah 'menghentam' jawapan yang diberi..

gingie hanya risau satu saja.. niat gingie ikhlas nak berdakwah secara baik.. untuk menunjukkan yang Islam itu indah.. tapi, gingie dah tersalah langkah.. dan.. gingie rasa amat2 berdosa pada Islam ! tolonglah.. please..

~ He knows the treachery of the eyes and that which the mind conceals ~

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

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Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 08-01-07 15:27

Feebs11 wrote:
People in general don't hate "Muslims". On the other hand, they do find moralistic attitudes irritating. And any group that isolates itself within a society will find that communications break down.

There is a saying "It takes two to tango" , and another that says "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". It would be a good thing if everyone kept these in mind. If I am in another country, I expect to obey their laws and not offend them. It would be wonderful if those from out of my country did the same here.

(NI JAWAPAN KEDUA GINGIE.. bila baca balik.. baru perasan.. jawapan ni sangat teruk dan tak melambangkan Islam langsung! maafkan gingie.. maafkan gingie..)

the topic is, why so many muslims hate the western world... do you want to know why..?? first, you guys insult our holy Quran just like how New Yorker wrote earlier..

to hate and to love is a normal feeling, rite..? but.. you don't have the right to critisice Islam and our holy Quran because you know nothing about it..

As you said earlier. "it takes two to tango.." ..will Muslims hate the western world if not because the western world hate the Muslims..?? --> after all, who started this topic, a muslim or a non-Muslim..? New Yorker ... hmmmm...

yeah.. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do.." .. hmmm... will you wear veil and other muslims attire when you are in Islamic countries..? i bet you will not.. from my observation, foreign tourists usually wear shorts and etc.. so, i don't think they really do as the Romans do when in Rome ...

~ He knows the treachery of the eyes and that which the mind conceals ~

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 08-01-07 15:34

jawapan gingie telah menyebabkan Feebs11 marah.. adakah gingie tlah memburukkan Islam?? ya Allah.. gingie tak berniat begitu.. :(

Feebs11 wrote:

"Anonymous" (how often he/she appears in these forums!) says you don't have the right to critisice Islam and our holy Quran because you know nothing about it.. Many have read it, and may have judged that they prefer other ways of instruction. I have indeed read it from cover to cover, as well as the entire Bible, the Hindu writings, and many Bhuddist ones. I have spent much time considering all these moral teachings.

How can "New Yorker" possibly insult the Koran - it is a book. A book, however Holy, has no feelings and cannot be insulted. It is people who are insulted.

(will you wear veil and other muslims attire when you are in Islamic countries..? i bet you will not) This is one of those typically moralistic responses. If someone from elsewhere goes to Saudi Arabia, they are provided with suitable clothing on the airplane before arrival. Most people visiting Muslim countries will ensure their clothing is restrained. To take the saying "When in Rome" as a literal one is a classic mistake. What it is saying is if you are in someone else's country, then take note of their laws and social restrictions, and behave accordingly.

I repeat - people find moralistic attitudes irritating. If they did not, "Anonymous" would not feel the need to respond.

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  Member Information For gingieProfil   Hantar PM kepada gingie   Quote dan BalasQuote

Warga 4 Bintang
Menyertai: 22.12.2004
Ahli No: 13215
Posting: 309

Selangor   avatar

posticon Posting pada: 08-01-07 15:41

dan ini adalah sebahagian daripada reply terbaru Pidr1nhu dr Brazil:

Anonymous, what does Koran say about western world? And if so, toward which countries it is directed to?
It would be a mistake to discuss something that I dont know or have np information about, so let's consult what this sacred book says that orientates muslims trajectories.

maka.. sesiapa yang boleh menjawab secara bernas kepada soalan di atas.. tolong lah.. tolong lah post kan jawapan anda.. gingie tahu, kat portal ukhwah.. banyak yang hebat2.. tolong ya..? demi Allah, Muhammad dan Islam..


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