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http://allaahuakbar.net/jamaat-e-islaami/hizb/reality_of_hizb_ut_tahrir.htmThe Reality of the Sect Hizb ut Tahrir
What is Hizb-ut-Tahrir?
Hizb-ut-Tahrir is a political party (not Islamic group) whose aim is to re-establish the Khilafah (Islamic State) that was lost by the Muslims in 1924 when the Ottoman Khilafah was destroyed.
What is wrong with working to re-establish the Khilaafah?
There is nothing wrong with working to re-establish the Khilaafah, in fact, all the Muslims are agreed that it is one of the most important obligations of Islam today to re-establish the Khilaafah, since the religion can never properly be established without it. The issue is that the Khilaafah will be re-established by Muslims on the Aqeedah (belief) of the Prophet (SAWS) and his Companions (Quraan 24:55). The Aqeedah of Hizb-ut-Tahrir is nowhere near the Aqeedah of the Prophet (SAWS) and his Companions nor is it the Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah, the mainstream body of Muslims all over the World.
Why is the Aqeedah of Hizb-ut-Tahrir different from the mainstream body of Muslims worldwide?
Hizb-ut-Tahrir say that they do not accept Ahaad Hadeeth into their Aqeedah. Ahaad hadith are those hadith of the Prophet (SAWS) that were narrated by a few chains of narration. They say that because the hadith was narrated via a few chains of narration, there may be doubt in it, so we cannot take it into our belief.
All this Ahaad Hadith terminology is way above my head, what does not taking Ahaad Hadith into Aqeedah mean in simple terms?
In simple terms it means that Hizb-ut-Tahrir deny Imaan in the following articles of the Islamic Faith, because all of the following beliefs are established upon Ahaad Hadith:
1) The statement that Aadam (AS) is a Prophet, as well as others besides him who are not mentioned in the Qur'âdan.
2) The fact that our Prophet Muhammad (Saws) is favored by Allaah (T) above all the other Prophets and Messengers.
3) The Great Intercession of the Messenger (Saws) on the Day of Judgement.
4) His (Saws) intercession for the people of this Ummah who committed major sins.
5) All the miracles of the Messenger (Saws) other than the Qur'âdan.
6) Matters relating to the beginning of the creation.
7) The description of the angels, the jinn, the Jannah, and Janaham (the Fire).

The belief that both the Jannah and the Fire are presently existing.
9) The belief that the Black Stone is a stone from the Jannah.
10) The belief that the Prophet (Saws) looked into al-Jannah and saw all that Allaah has prepared for the pious believers.
11) The belief that ten (10) companions of the Messenger (Saws) were specifically promised the Jannah.
12) The belief that everyone will be questioned in his grave by two angels.
13) The belief in the punishment in the grave.
14) The belief that the Scale (al- Meezaan) which weighs the deeds on the Day of Judgement has two pans.
15) The belief in the Bridge (as-Siraat) which stretches over Jahanam.
16) The belief in the Fountain (al-Kawthar) of the Messenger (Saws), and that whoever drinks once from it on the Day of Judgement will never thirst after that.
17) The belief that seventy thousand (70,000) members of the Ummah of Muhammad (Saws) would enter the Jannah without reckoning.

The belief in the good and evil consequences of al-Qadar.
19) The belief that Allaah has written for everyone his happiness, his sadness, his provision, and the time of his death.
20) The belief that a Muslim who commits a major sin will not abide in Jahanam forever.
21) The belief in the Pen that was created by Allaah, and that He commanded it to write everything that will occur.
22) The belief that Allaah (T) has prohibited the earth from eating the bodies of the Messengers.
23) The belief of Descriptions of events on the Day of Resurrection excluding those mentioned in the Quraan.
24) The Ascent of the Prophet (SAWS) (Miraaj);
25) The Signs before the Last Day such as the descent of Prophet Isaa (AS),
26) Emergence of Dajjaal, and many others which are too many to list here.
What is the big deal about not having your Aqeedah the same as Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah?
In authentic hadith in Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Al-Hakim, on the authority of Muaawiyyah bin Abi Sufyaan, the Prophet (SAWS) said: “My Ummah will split into 73 sects, all of whom will be in the the devils playground Fire except one (the Saved Sect, known in Arabic as the Firqatun-Naajeyah).†Upon being asked which that Saved Sect was, he (SAWS) replied, “The one that I and my companions are on.†Therefore, if one’s Aqeedah is in contradiction to the Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah and he dies upon that belief, he is under the threat of being sent by Allah (SWT) to the the devils playground Fire. If He wishes, He will punish him, or if He wishes, He will forgive him.
That is a very serious statement to make without offering any proof since you are effectively condemning the knowledgeable followers of this sect to the the devils playground Fire?
Is there anything else worth knowing about Hizb-ut-Tahrir?
There are too many things like they say that it is permissible to view nude pictures (Al-Wa’ee publication, Q + A section, 29 May 1970CE), smoking is permissible, shaving the beard (thus imitating homosexuals) is permissible, listening to music is permissible.
Where is this sect found?
Hizb-ut-Tahrir is found in Universities either in the Islamic societies, or under other ‘societies’ such as Millennium Society, 1924 Society, Pakistan Society (sometimes). They normally create other societies after Islamic societies ban them from preaching their deviant beliefs openly. On the Internet, they are found at their own web-site or at www.muslimstudent.orang.uk, where they take care not to mention Hizb-ut-Tahrir too much in order to trap Muslim students with their deviant beliefs under the pretext of an innocent Muslim student resource site.
What activities does this sect engage in at universities?
Study-circles (on Khilaafah and politics), Tafseer classes (on Khilaafah and politics), talks and lectures (on Khilaafah and politics), Jumuah khutbahs (on Khilaafah and politics) and small iftaar gatherings in Ramadan (on Khilaafah and politics). They also attend lectures and study-circles by other Muslims on other topics and ask questions about Khilaafah and politics at the end. In addition, they specialise in getting Islamic Society prayer rooms closed down and getting Muslim students expelled from University, e.pergi. Brunel, Imperial, Kingston and UCL, where, to this day, the Muslims have no prayer room.
What methods do Hizb-ut-Tahrir use to recruit members at Universities?
Being very nice to new students, visiting them in Halls of Residences, accompanying them home on public transport or offering lifts to them, offering to help them out, inviting them to small dinner gatherings. All these visits and informal ‘social’ meetings are accompanied by discussions on Khilaafah, social, economic and political problems of the Muslims and politics because they rarely speak about anything else. They also stress the point that their methods are based on ‘clear’ evidences. However, the reality is that everything tends to be ‘clear’ except their Aqeedah, which they will try to refrain from discussing about, saying it is not a priority. If you are in doubt, you can always ask them if they work with Hizb-ut-Tahrir, or, if they will not give you a straight answer, ask other Muslims in the Islamic Society. Such interaction is only established for the sake of “dah’wah†and for working towards the re-establishment of Khilaafah. If they find that you are not responsive, the extreme care and attention that they have hitherto bestowed is immediately abandoned, and no further time and energy is wasted upon you.
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